Lunacraft Wiki
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Welcome to the Lunacraft Wiki forum! This forum can be used by members of this community to discuss topics related to the wiki. Be shure you read the Forum Rules before getting started.


The ordinary wiki rules override any rules that may be listed here.


General Forums Rules

  • Piracy-related threads are an absolute no-no.
  • Don't double post. If it doesn't get answered, wait, and we will try to get to you as soon as possible.
  • Don't spam on forums.
  • Always sign your post with four tildes (~~~~)!
ForumLast EditLast Author
Help Desk05:48, 29 October 2018Netherbolt
User Rights Requests01:30, 30 October 2018Netherbolt
Watercooler15:03, 26 October 2018Netherbolt
Wiki Planning21:45, 3 March 2017Netherbolt