Plants are generated structures that resemble the trees in Minecraft. They come in many different forms.
Crystal Plants[]
Blue Crystal Plant[]
A Blue Crystal Plant |
This plant is made from Blue Crystal, and is a small Blue Crystal structure shaped like "+" signs in 3D.
Sulphur Crystal Plant[]
A Sulphur Crystal Plant |
This plant is made from Sulphur Crystal. These are small structures sometimes shaped like "+" signs in 3D.
Boron Crystal Plant[]
A Boron Crystal Plant |
This plant is made from Boron Crystal. They are relatively small structures shaped like "+" signs in 3D, and are fairly hard to spot because the material is so transparent.
Xenobiological Plants[]
Color Wood Tree[]
This plant is made from Moon Bark, Chalchanthite, Feldspar, Sulphur Ore, and Lights. So-named because "colorwood" is the programmer's internal name for the material. It's a large tree with color fruits on the tops made from blue, red and yellow stones, and Light blocks.
Green Light Tree[]
This plant is made from Moon Leaves and Lights. This is a small plant with up to four green Moon Leaves and Light fruits on the end of each leaf.
Spiral Light Tree[]
This plant is made from Moon Wood and Lights. It's a medium Moon Wood spiral tree with Light fruits.